Using A Different Master Output With Traktor Pro

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Using A Different Master Output With Traktor Pro Free

Using a different master output with traktor pro software
  • Hello,
    I’d been using Traktor Pro 2 with a Denon MC6000MK1 and MacBook Pro without issue for 2 years. I installed an iTunes update (the one before last) and all of a sudden no sound. Checked everything. Even tried using a mac desktop with pro 2 on it. Nothing. Assumed it was a hardware issue and I took the MK1 for repair. When I got it home, I got sound but could only control it from the master volume. Slides and cross fader didn’t work. Then I thought it was a hardware issue. MK1 was discontinued so I took the plunge and ipgraded to MK2 when I saw Traktor mapping was available. Installed new Mapping, plug in MK2, same deal. Volume controlled only with master, no slides or cross fader. Installed Serato, which came with MK2 and it worked flawlessly. I don’t mind exploring Serato as its good to be as well rounded as possible. However, I prefer Traktor and was really getting into it. (I enrolled ddt’s Traktor course–fantastic!) One more thing, I set up preferences as suggested: (Yes) External controller (no) External Mixer and the rest. No sound at all in that config. When I said yes to external mixer I got the uncontrolled volume I described earlier. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    In external mixer mode Traktor will send the sound to (if set up correctly) your controller as track 1 and track 2. Your controllers mixers will then have to do everything else, including master volume.

    In internal mixer mode Traktor will send the master output from the software to the master output of your controller and the cue signal to the headphone output.

    You will have to set what deck sound goes to what bit of sound card channels in external mixer mode. When to run pid auto tune.

    Been years since I used Traktor, so bit rusty on the settings.

    1) Pick the right audio device (driver) on the Audio Setup tab under “Audio Device” (duh!). This should probably be the Denon DJ ASIO Driver if I recall correctly (at least it was with my MC6000 I think).
    2) On the Output Routing tab, select “External” for Mixing Mode (as you have).
    3) Now set Output Deck A to (for example) channel 1 L and channel 1 R or Front L and Front R. You should have 4 options (or even more if you use a higher channel count sound card, but generally it will be 4 for a controller like the MC6000)
    4) Set Output Deck B to something different! It could be marked as channel 2 L + R or Back L + R.

    If you have only 1 set (of stereo, thus L + R) of options, like you describe with front left/front right, something is wrong. Either the wrong device selected or the wrong device driver (not) installed. Probably the right driver can be found at the Denon site. You can also try the ASIO4All drivers from their site.

    But you should have the option to choose from 4 (2 x a L+R combo), otherwise it won’t work properly.

    If you’re sure you’ve got the correct audio device set and you’re only seeing 2 stereo outputs (I’m guessing front left/right and back left/right) then you would need to select internal mixer mode and the outputs as Output master and output monitor(for the headphones). Also check the mapping is correct and working because it sounds to me like this could be your problem – check that the correct mapping is active in the controller manager and that the in port and out port are showing as the correct device. If it still doesn’t work the mapping might be at fault – I would suggest you download the mapping again if this is the case.

    I hope you find this helpful.

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Using A Different Master Output With Traktor Pro 1

Using A Different Master Output With Traktor Pro

Using A Different Master Output With Traktor Pro 3

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Using A Different Master Output With Traktor Pro 1

Jul 05, 2012 Traktor Pro 2 has all the standard features that you would find on a standard DJ mixer built into the software mixer. Before you can use the headphone cue options, you need to correctly set up. TRAKTOR PRO 3 sees a series of changes to our audio engine, designed with club- sized sound systems in mind. New Elastique 3 time-stretching, an improved master limiter, and industry-mixer modeling options mean that whatever your style, and whatever you do to your tracks, they’ll always be music to your ears. Hey @all, Using 'Bluetooth' speakers or headphones is generally not recommended when using Traktor. If either your speakers or headphones are connected wirelessly to Traktor, they will always cause a additional latency to the output signal of a few milliseconds. Jan 20, 2012  If you’re using Traktor’s Internal Mixer, you would choose Internal Mixing Mode. This is good if you’re using a Traktor Kontrol S4, or only use your computers mouse and keyboard to control Traktor’s internal Mixer. One new feature in Traktor Pro 2 is the ability to combine outputs. You can actually share the same output of two different decks. TRAKTOR allows you to configure the software for internal mixing mode by selecting it under Mixing Mode in TRAKTOR Preferences Output Routing. In internal mixing mode, the TRAKTOR software offers two separate audio outputs: Output Master: This output signal is the sum of any of the four Decks and/or Loop Recorder playing at any time.

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